Tag: Travel Photography

Photos That I Was Not Supposed To Take

Photos That I Was Not Supposed To Take

It has happened to me many times that I have tried taking a photo and someone has objected to it. If you are a passionate photographer like me, you will probably understand how it feels when you are so keen to take a photograph and 

Travel Photography – My Journey So Far (Part Two)

Travel Photography – My Journey So Far (Part Two)

I am SO excited to bring the second part of my travel photography journey so far. If you haven’t checked out the first part, here it is Travel Photography – My Journey So Far (Part One). When I bought my first camera (Nikon L1 digital 

Travel Photography – My Journey So Far (Part One)

Travel Photography – My Journey So Far (Part One)

Before I even begin, let me be clear that I am still learning the technicalities of an SLR camera. I know a lot today than what I knew a year ago, but I still need to go a long way. There was a time when 

People On My Travels – A Photo Essay

People On My Travels – A Photo Essay

It’s interesting to photograph random people on the road. Some of them are unaware of being captured, some oblige happily (or reluctantly), some agree after a little cajolery and some refuse quite brusquely. Although the photographs that I am going to present are nothing close