My Kind Of A Destination

My Kind Of A Destination
I was wondering what really attracts me to a destination – is it natural beauty, popularity, or just sheer inquisitiveness? My question to myself is that what are the traits of a destination that define ‘my-kind-of-a-destination’? What is it that makes me want to visit a place? What are the things that inspire me, make me curious about a place? 

Here’s my list of top 10 things that make me fall in love with a destination!

Festivity in the air

Feeling is the most important thing for me. No matter how great a destination is, if I don’t feel good, it just falls flat. I should feel constant energy, colour and buzz in the atmosphere. Even the ordinary things of the city should have some element of festivity. For instance, Mumbai gives me that feeling – even if it’s a hot sweaty day, people are seen outdoors with no loss of zest.

Udaipur is soaked in the festivity of its friendly people and vibrant tourists


I should be able to enjoy simple things like walking, lingering around or road-side shopping without a hindrance. Nothing should intimidate or discourage me about the place. I should feel part of the city. It should welcome me with open arms! Dehradun, Udaipur and Amritsar are classic examples of being modest yet very charming.

Mumbai celebrates without a reason!

Tradition and history

I am easily enamoured by a destination, which preserves its traditions. It could be in the way people dress, their style of cooking or eating, daily living or their enthusiasm towards celebrating a festival. There has to be some kind of uniqueness about the city, which could be hidden in its history.
Melbourne is charismatic!

Good food

Yes, food is one of my favourite things, not to mention good serving, too! I have had some amazing breakfast experiences in India, which have given me a deeper understanding of my country’s diversity and culture. If I like a particular culinary, it stays with me forever. If my taste-buds are happy, it certainly adds to the whole experience of visiting a place. 

Peace with an undertone of fun

I like peace, which means freedom and breathing space. There should be a calm assurance of joviality. For instance, the moment I disembark at Dehradun’s station, there’s a promise of revelries and free-spirited jaunts across the city without a care.
Amritsar is a simple, sweet and a charming city

Unabashed beauty

Wondering why I mentioned it so late in the list? Well, beauty is the prerequisite of a destination. However, there are many other aspects which can hinder it. For instance, Manali is a treasure of natural beauty, but falls short of class and comfort. Thus, I would choose a Dehradun or an Udaipur over a Manali because the former have beauty as well as class.

Less crowded

An overcrowded destination steals the joy of savouring. I like places with less people unless it’s a festive time. For instance, Goa and Udaipur are filled with tourists during festive seasons, and that is quite enjoyable. However, when a destination is bustling with people all through the year, it’s totally uninviting!
Dehradun is full of green beauty and a modest ambiance (Photo credit: My friend Anjum)

Manageable traffic

A controlled traffic is the basic ingredient of a comfortable holiday. It allows you to walk around without a hurry. It keeps you relaxed and less tired. It puts me off when vehicles are rushing insanely and trying to get ahead of each other. I like easy traffic that allows you to enjoy the surroundings, which I got to experience in Melbourne.

Good people

I like warm and friendly people, who show happiness in receiving you as a guest. I particularly liked the people of Udaipur. Be it a shopkeeper, a hawker, a waiter or an auto driver, each person is respectful and hospitable.

Ignorant spirit

There’s an undefined ignorance that captivates me about a destination. I am drawn towards a place which has a careless charm to it. I found Mumbai, Dehradun, Amritsar, Udaipur and Melbourne to be unaffected by what’s happening in the world at large. It seems these places are unaware, and smug in their own fascinating shells.

Now it’s your turn! I would love to hear from you about your ideas, your inclinations to visit a destination again and again.

What is your ‘My-kind-of-a-destination’?