7 Remarkable Years of Travel Blogging

7 Remarkable Years of Travel Blogging

I love being a travel blogger! I’m one of the fortunate ones who actually get to do what they truly enjoy doing. So yes, I’m grateful. I can’t believe that I have been able to create this life that I’m living! Today, as I complete 7 years of travel blogging, I’d like to celebrate this moment by looking back at all those years, which made Voyager For Life what it is. And, this is quite a milestone! I’m proud of the fact that I continued to do what I started quite casually on 14th of August, 2012. I had no idea back then that I’d turn it into a serious vocation.

Voyager For Life is one of the top solo female travel blogs in India. Being recognized as one of the top solo female travel bloggers happened without any effort from my end, because that’s my natural travel style – I had been traveling solo even before I started blogging. So I guess you should do what you want to do, and people will honor you for your individuality. There’s no need to do what others are doing, because imitating others keeps you from discovering your own uniqueness.

Also read: Why I Like Being A Travel Blogger

7 Remarkable Years of Travel Blogging

So, how has Voyager For Life come this far? Well, it has grown with each passing year. Here’s my journey –

The ‘enthusiastic’ first year

My first year as a travel blogger was totally my own, which means I was blogging for myself. I had no pressure of updating my blog regularly, marketing it or worrying about SEO. I had a bank of travel photos and stories from my past travels, which I enjoyed sharing on a public platform. Since I had started blogging along with a full-time job, I used to work on my blog after dinner and would stay up till 2 am. Was it fun? Absolutely!

Besides enthusiasm, my first year was also about a lot of learning. I used to read a lot about blogging, networking and social media. Well, social media was not so big at that time. I was active only on Facebook. I had no idea about Twitter or Instagram.  

Also read: How Travel Blogging Saved My Life

The ‘diligent’ second year

When I realized that my relationship with blogging wasn’t casual anymore and it’s getting serious with time, I began to devote more time into writing good blog posts. I consciously steered towards creating useful content. And, while I was in the middle of my second year as a blogger, I had quit my job and got into full-time blogging and freelance writing.

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The ‘determined’ third year

Well, by the time I touched the third year of my blogging journey, I had come a long way. I had learnt to write better posts, connect with people, travel deeper and be more determined about what I was doing. I slowly got introduced to things like press trips, sponsored posts and brand collaborations. I have a funny story to tell you: “When I got my first FAM (familiarization trip) invite, I thought it was a joke.” But, it was true.

Also read: The Challenges Of Travelling As A Blogger

The ‘prolific’ fourth year    

I’d say my fourth year of travel blogging was just a better version of the earlier year. I’d like to call it prolific because I got to travel back to back for a while, and I managed to get freelance assignments alongside. I had turned into a digital nomad, who had the liberty to work from anywhere!

Also read: How Do I Get Money To Travel?

The ‘laid-back’ fifth year

Then came a time when I had to slow down as a blogger. I was getting into another adventure of life called marriage, moving into a new city, settling into a new home, getting to know a new person and learning to be a more domesticated individual. So, blogging took a backseat, which, I think, was normal. But, I still traveled quite a bit that year, both personally and professionally. Also, I got listed and featured in several publications and websites.

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The ‘challenging’ sixth year

Blogging has evolved over the years. It’s not so simple anymore. I mean it wasn’t so simple back then either. But, it was just about blogging, which came out of passion, obsession and knowledge. Things changed after 2015-16. Social media just got bigger and more relevant. I have to admit that I started quite late on Instagram, which I had no idea would play a significant role in weighing my clout as a blogger.

My sixth year was also challenging in terms of making some big changes, such as moving my blog from blogger to WordPress, buying my own digital space, making my site https, correcting all the broken links, redesigning my site, understanding and dealing with all the technical stuff. Phew!

Also check out: My Top 50 Travel Photos

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The ‘hopeful’ seventh year

I have come to realize that my blog is my voice, my brand. I have understood that more than hard work and consistency, I need to work strategically. I have been exploring new ways of monetizing my blog – affiliate marketing and travel consultancy. There’s so much of useful travel content on my blog, which I have created with years of travel experience. Thus, whatever product or service I recommend is my belief, too. It’s my joy and confidence to create travel itineraries for people who would like to travel like me. So, I’m hoping to help more and more people with their travel plans.

Also read: Alternative Income Sources For Travel Bloggers

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